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Monday, May 29, 2017

Small things

I have a lot of small things or topics in my mind. I thought I just put them all together since twitter is too short for them and they are too short for 1 full blog piece themselves.

1. Finished rewatching the whole mythbuster series. I finally remembered what it is like to watch good TV.

2. Netflix is tempting because Casltevania anime is coming out but I prefer binge watching a series.

3. Went to Tsuta ramen (which technically is Soba). It is good for its own merits. It feels like eating some local fishball noodles with good soup. Though as Ramen I prefer something which is heavier in taste.

4. Walking in Japan almost killed my knees, ankles and sole of feet for my last trip. I really wonder how long I can do this. Also went to Bit summit. That was fun.

5. In terms of playing videos games, I went back to playing games mostly from JP developers. I don't really enjoy a lot of western triple A develop games. I still enjoy playing western indie games.

6. Hitting 37 this year. I am almost always the oldest person in a new group.

7. Also I am notice my memories are slipping. I really need to excerise my mental facility. There might be a need to go back to playing fighting games. Funny that has became a need rather than something of leisure.

8. To be honest I have given myself some thoughts about moving to Japan but I do not have a Bachelor Degree so I do not how that is going to work. Not to mention I don't speak Japanese and I am nearly 40.

9. I notice I am perfectly content staying home all day. This is probably why my social life is failing.

10. I'm also the last few people in groups to still be single. Can't say I am not bothered by it though I am more happy to be by myself. I like the space.

11. Not many people will know that my music collection is 95% Video game OST. Also I did not attend any of the video game concerts this year. Yes I skipped Distance worlds and the upcoming Zelda one. I mean I got a happy and signature from Nobuo Uematsu (https://twitter.com/kilvear/status/695612732175831041), I am pretty satisfied with it.

12. I have some thoughts of developing games but I am so undisciplined I don't think anything will come out of it.

13. The current state of the world isn't in a good place. Some people lack purpose. Some people's purpose is centered around greed. I believe hunmanity will eventually come around. Humanity is not as weak and feeble as most people think.

14. Did I mention Lunar New Year gatherings is starting to really grate on me?

15. I don't usually talk about my work life but there will be a lot happening for me at work. I worry I might stress myself work. Also get sick from over working.

This is getting long and I still have stuff but I will leave it to next time.

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